Tyler Alexander
Why did you choose the Brown University School of Public Health?
I was a participant of the Leadership Alliance at Brown University the summer before applying to graduate school and loved my interactions with the students and faculty at Brown.
What makes Brown's program different from other programs you considered?
Being able to receive additional leadership and professional development through the Health Equity Scholars Program was a very unique opportunity that excited me about pursuing my education at Brown
What do you enjoy most about your program?
My favorite aspect of the program is the mentorship that I receive from faculty and how willing everyone is to assist you in navigating the MPH program experience.
What is your academic area of interest and why?
My academic areas of interest include epidemiology and health services as my career goal is to address disparities and promote health equity within healthcare systems.
What are your postgraduate goals/plans?
After graduation, I will be joining the Johns Hopkins Administrative Fellowship Program.
Why Providence?
Providence is a great location within New England that allows you to explore various activities during all seasons of the year!
What advice would you give to a prospective applicant?
Advice I would give to a prospective student is to be confident in what you will bring to the School of Public Health community that is unique!